Join host and producer, Soleil Gaylord, on Telluride KOTO Radio ”Voices of the Valley Floor-a and Fauna,” and enjoy a nature almanac detailing natural history intrigues of the flora and fauna inhabiting the valley floor, the San Miguel watershed and Colorado. From wolf reintroduction to otter spotting, to bear hibernation or the the mysteries of the fall aspen colors Voices of the Valley Floor-a and Fauna delves into the scientific beauty found in the Telluride region. Support for this show is provided by KOTO Radio and Telluride Arts District‘s Small Grants for Artists.

Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Milkweed: a Microcosm in a Milkweed Part 2
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
In Part 2 of the microcosm of the milkweed, Voices of the Valley Floor-a and Fauna we discuss these extraordinary plants and explore the complex microcosm that surrounds them including the deadly toxins found within the stem's "milk" that the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) and Red Milkweed Beetle (Tetraopes tetrophthalmus) need in order to survive. We delve into biological philosophies and ponder transcending traditional taxonomic boundaries while examining the greater web of life. Also discussed are the complex and incredible migratory pathway of these amazing monarchs traveling up to 3000 miles on their journey.
Photo: Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) on Common Milkweed bloom (Ascelpias syriaca)

Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
On Colorado's 2020 ballot, Proposition 114 proposes the reintroduction of the Gray Wolf (Canis lupis) back to it historic range in Colorado. What does voting on Colorado's Proposition 114 mean for communities, ecologies, and the state of Colorado? Guest biologist Dr. Doug Smith Senior Wildlife biologist and Project Leader for the wolf reintroduction program in Yellowstone National Park will speak of his reintroduction work and the years of observations that followed. The biologist that brought the howl back to Yellowstone National Park offers the listener many lessons and philosophical reflections. Defenders of Wildlife's Jonathan Proctor, speaks to the process of getting Prop 114 on Colorado's ballot and how Colorado Parks and Wildlife will proceed if the proposition does pass. Southwest Environmental Center's, Kevin Bixby, discusses the huge ecological significance of bringing wolves back to their historic ranges.
Photo: Gray Wolf (Canis lupis) Yellowstone National Park. Photo Credit: Randy Stephens.